In the memory of saptha: something unexpected, unreal and mostly needed.
It was a parallel universe for us. As I was thinking the memories won’t fade away. It lies within me for a longer period of time. Every time I visit chimminikood or meet one of my saptha friends or a volunteer I get that same warmth in me . I have no idea how it’s happening. But somehow it is helping me to become a better self. All credits go to the good humans out there .
Saptha was the game changer for all the participants. It made every one of us get out of our comfort zones, and chase new opportunities. No I’m not talking about saptha , I’m talking about changes I got from saptha . It’s not so much like a change or more like self discovery ( my own personal opinion) . Below I’ll just explain the shortest brief summary of how I got in saptha , why I make this a big deal and how it made me get out of my comfort zone.
That was a December evening, I was in a hurry to catch a bus to go home. At that time I was struggling from my work pressure, exams and my career. Going home will help me,I thought. Whenever I feel sad or stressed I’ll just call my friend and talk ,who is always there to support me . That evening I called him and talked about this mess. He was listening and listening about a half an hour later and he suggested to me some 7 days residential workshop and sent me a registration link. When I looked up the description, everything was well written. It made a positive impact on me. I asked about this and he said he got it from a friend of his who was a volunteer and a team member of fireflies. The workshop was conducted by that NGO in Kasaragod he said. I lived my past 21 years at that place and I had no idea that this NGO existed .
Anyway I read all the descriptions and registered . Just like that miracle happened.
When I presented this to my family and friends everyone got worried. I told them I’ll be okay. Actually it was wonderful. Even some of my friends told me I’m just crazy going to a workshop where I don’t have any connections there. After all these negative comments I chose to go to saptha. I packed my bags, called my friend and went to the place where saptha is held. When we reached there we first met one of the main volunteer named Deekshit, his big smile and round glasses got my attention. Later I realised he is also the part of fireflies. I was a little anxious at that time but when I saw that big smile all my anxiety got eliminated. Special thanks to you deechuetta, we all love you. Just like deechu I met every one of the volunteers and team members on this journey. I had no idea that seven days would transform us like this.
Those seven days have been my most favourite days even though I don’t like to be with people always. It was held in a resort but at the end of the day we felt it was our home. They all became our family. Every mentor who came there , every person we met there , they all made a positive impact in our life.
Especially the coordinators , you guys have done a wonderful job. Not only them all the team members who have done a minute job , the idea of saptha was a success. As a youth I got insight that I mostly needed. Apart from all the positivity ,Saptha gave me the courage to be emotional. They all taught me that its okay to be emotional, emotions should be expressed. They taught me every human is a simple being , they all just need love and peace. Give it a try , they said. They reminded me ‘ you are loved’ , ‘you are worthy’ everytime. They were the one who made me realise that some wounds are still within me , and those wounds should be healed. So I started to see a therapist. That was one of the bestest , boldest decision I have made in my life. It’s all because of saptha. I found myself again in saptha.
Heartfelt gratitude and love to you all. Keep doing what you are doing. I will always keep you guys close to my heart.
Love and hugs,
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